Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Fowler's Modern English Usage Dictionary: 2 Edition

Author(s) : W.H. Flower revised by Sir Ernest Gowers
Publisher  : Oxford
ISBN       : 0192813897
Date         : 1983, 2 Edition
Pages       : 749
Size          : 23.64 Mb
Format     : PDF
Quality     : High
Language : American English

This classic text has become the standard work on the correct but natural use of English and has ensured that Fowler is a household name. Written in Fowler's inimitable style, it gives clear guidance on usage, word formation, inflexion, spelling, pronunciation, punctuation, and typography. It includes advice on using: that, which or who; working and stylish words; worn-out humour; hybrids and malformations. Witty and practical, it remains an invaluable source of useful guidance on the correct use of English.

Fowler is a household name in all English-speaking countries and for over sixty years Modern English Usage has been the standard work on the correct but natural use of English.
  • Clear guidance on points of grammar, syntax, style, and the choice of words
  • Renowned for its authority and wit
  • Indispensable entries on disinterested, due to, jargon, sociologist, and which, that, who
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